Monday, 25 April 2011

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! This is my first post...that is all

I thought long and hard (*cue Michael Scott) about whether or not I should start cataloguing some of my random thoughts in a personal web log. It was a matter of ethics really, should the public be exposed to my deeply personal views and opinions, most of which are almost always sprinkled with offensive haterpressions (def: expressions expressed by a hater, look it up in the Oxford). Or should I keep frequenting the local Starbucks where you may notice me frantically scribbling in my little notebook with a look on my face that can only be described as this:

Uncle Fester - Adams Family

As you probably can tell, I have nothing but intelligent things to say despite my sub-human appearance, which makes me a perfect blogger don’t ya think? Booyaah!! Haterpression numero 1! 

So, as I was saying. I was going back and forth on the idea of starting my very own blog and after giving it a good solid weekend to really think things through, I decided to jump on the blog bandwagon, because I am nothing if not ahead of the trends. Ask the high school friends I never talk to any more about the time I went to New York with my parents in the summer of 2002 and brought back a belt with plastic diamond-encrusted buckle as a souvenir. It was perhaps the premiere presence of a belt with vanity buckles in my entire school, heck I was the first person in my entire town to rock that belt. You would not believe how many people noticed my snazzy new belt, after I pointed it out to them. It was a conversation starter for sure! Sometimes when I’m feeling blue, or when it’s raining outside, or when I’m out of toilet paper, I try to think about that belt and it makes my heart smile every time. But of course I have since moved on from wearing that belt in public.

To me, blogging is kind of like that belt: there are definite overtones of self-indulgence and narcissism present, and bloggers certainly write in the pursuit of instant gratification, but at the end of the day we are trying to express ourselves dammit! Even if we have to dangle our talent in front of people’s faces, at least we know that we look good doing it. 

So stay tuned, cuz god knows what other crap I’ll come up with in my pursuit of recreating the feeling that comes from wearing an 8 year-old belt with plastic jewel-encrusted vanity buckle.

Picture doesn't belong to me but I did find it on this guy's blog:

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